Community Management Examples

There are a lot of community management examples that can help us. But we will only discuss the top 5 in detail. So it will give us the knowledge on what to choose and how to do it right.

What Are Community Management Examples?

Community management examples are the actions taken by a company or people. It can be activities they did or the way they responded to their community.

1. Salesforce 

Salesforce is a customer relationship management software provider. They are very successful in social media engagement. Their CEO is known to tweet regularly and provide great customer service to his community. Some of their community management examples include:

2. Netflix 

Netflix is a video-streaming service provider. Their CEO, Reed Hastings, is very active on his Twitter account. He shared the company’s strategy by announcing its price hike.

In the same tweet, he stated that it will focus on delivering high-quality content and a better streaming experience for its customers. This is why this community management example is one of the best community management examples.

3. Virgin Galactic 

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group and Chairman of Virgin Galactic. He is a very good example of how to use social media to engage your customers with your company or brand.

Although he only has fewer than 50,000 followers on Twitter, his company has almost 5 million followers on Facebook and more than 100,000 followers on Instagram. His community management examples include:

4. Airbnb 

Airbnb is an accommodation rental website. It allows people to rent out their extra space to travelers. Its founder, Brian Chesky, is very active on social media and has more than 100k followers on Twitter. 

He has been a great community manager for his company and helps others through social media engagement as well.

5. Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines is a low-cost airline. It was the first airline to use the Internet to sell tickets and it began using social media for customer service in 2006. When it launched its Facebook page.

How To Be Good In Community Management?

There are two major parts of community management.

The first part is the actual management of your community. This includes answering questions, dealing with problems, and responding to comments. The second part is helping people become a part of your community. This includes recruiting them and giving them a place to contribute.

Start by understanding your community members and where they are coming from. You need to get to know what they want, what they need, and what they will do for you if you can provide it for them.

Do not be afraid to ask questions, there is no such thing as a dumb question.

It is important to keep an open mind when dealing with your community members. It is impossible to please everyone. So don’t try to do so. Because in that case, you will have no time for yourself at all.

Let people know where you are coming from, be honest about what you can and cannot do for them, and let them know that you will always try to help them as much as possible.

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