how to increase business growth

Here are ways on how to increase business growth through digital adoption:

How to Increase Business Growth with Digital Adoption 

1. Businesses must understand tech-savvy consumers’ needs

A report says that around 90% of consumers use the internet to research products or services before purchasing them. Also, another report states that the average American adult spends 2 hours and 51 minutes on their smartphones each day. 

Thus, with the rise of mobile internet usage, businesses must understand that technology has changed the way people buy things. By providing a user-friendly mobile site or app to cater to tech-savvy consumers, businesses may take advantage of this opportunity.

2. Businesses must make digital adoption a priority

Businesses should be cognizant of digital adoption as it is key to building a strong brand and growing your business. We’ve seen how digital adoption can lead to “higher conversion rates, lower costs, and better customer service.” 

And as outlined above, if businesses don’t adopt digital tools for marketing purposes, they could miss out on a significant segment of the purchasing population.

3. Businesses must provide more value than just a product or service

To stand out among competitors, businesses should focus on providing additional value aside from just selling a product or service. This could mean adding blog posts on your website or social media channels or videos that instruct consumers on how to use your product. 

Whatever you do, just make sure it provides value to your customers.

Businesses should not only adopt digital marketing tools to reach their target audience but also be creative with their approach. 

4. Businesses must be willing to change with the times

Another way businesses can increase their business growth through digital adoption is by changing with the times. 

For example, if there’s a new app that could help your business or a new social media platform that could allow you to connect with consumers, you should be willing to adapt to those changes and make them part of your strategy. 

5. Businesses must provide a high-quality user experience

While it’s important to keep up with the latest digital trends to increase your business growth, it’s just as important to make sure your website or app is user-friendly. 

The last thing you want is to confuse customers with a complicated interface that’s difficult to navigate. 

For example, if you’re using an e-commerce platform like Shopify or Bigcommerce, you can use their app store for additional apps and tools that can help improve the UX of your site or app. 

You should also engage in A/B testing by showing two different versions of a landing page to potential customers. This way, you can see which version gets you better results.

6. Businesses must be willing to spend money on digital marketing

Businesses must not be afraid of investing in digital marketing as it is one of the best ways to reach their target audience (especially tech-savvy consumers.) 

According to a report, “marketers spend more than $600 billion on advertising and promotion each year.” Nearly $23 billion went towards digital advertising in 2017! 

This might seem like a lot of money but businesses can increase their profitability by using digital marketing tools and platforms to grow their business – and this will ultimately create more revenue for businesses. 

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