poor leadership practices

Here are 5 poor leadership practices that every manager should make sure to avoid.

Examples of Poor Leadership Practices 

The leadership must provide a clear vision and a principle direction to the followers.

He should communicate all the information to the followers so that they can carry out their jobs effectively. Also, this is so that they can build good teamwork together.

1. Failing effective communication

When communication is missing, or just lacking, the whole team suffers. This also impacts the management of leadership.

The leader should be able to set goals and objectives for the followers so that they can perform better in their jobs.

2. Lacking commendation 

Leaders should always try to push the team to be better and more productive. For them to do this, most of the time, they must exhibit confidence in their team members.

This is also one of the vital leadership skills that every manager should have. They must be able to show appreciation and give recognition to their team members even for just a single good work or task completed by them. 

Thus, leaders must identify their strengths and weaknesses and how they can improve themselves for the good of the whole group. When leaders make it a point to recognize and appreciate their team members, it will boost their spirits and motivation.

Good leaders should be able to motivate their team members to perform better. They should have the ability to create a good work environment for their team. They should also have the ability to discipline their team members when necessary.

3. Manipulation 

A manipulation is a form of leadership where leaders have an ulterior motive to achieve something from their followers or the group as a whole. This is not a good practice as it only benefits the leaders and not the whole team. The followers will feel that they are being tricked and it will lead to distrust and lack of commitment on their part towards the leader and the organization. 

4. Fear Mongering 

A leader who instills fear in his followers will lose their trust and respect. Followers who are afraid of their leaders will not trust them and they will not be able to fully commit themselves to perform their jobs. 

If this happens, they will not be productive enough and they will not achieve the desired results for the organization’s growth and development. It can also lead to a loss of loyalty towards the organization and towards other co-workers.

5. Being Judgmental 

Leaders who judge their followers based on certain standards that they set up may also lose them as loyal working partners. A judgmental leader can easily drive away his followers by pointing out their weaknesses and mistakes to them without trying to understand why such mistakes were made in the first place or if there was no intention behind such mistakes. 

This kind of leadership personality may also create an attitude in his followers that he is always right. So there is no need to listen to his instructions carefully or follow them faithfully. Because it seems like he is just telling them what to do without actually caring about what they think or feel about it.

As a result, it may cause his followers to feel powerless which can lead to low self-esteem, low confidence, resentment, frustration, stress, anxiety, or even depression among them which can eventually affect the whole organization negatively by lowering productivity levels, decreasing employee morale, creating conflicts between co-workers.

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