Community Management Tasks

We will tackle the following community management tasks that are included in the job description. It will help us to understand how community management works.

How Community Management Works

The community manager is responsible for making sure that all the communication channels of a company are aligned towards a single voice (that of the brand).

All communication that happens through any kind of online channel needs to be aligned with the company’s values. As well as its goals and objectives. That’s why community management requires a good understanding of what you want to achieve before doing it.

Depending on the size of your business you will have different tools at your disposal to do your job. In small companies, it makes sense to use more personal tools. Like email while larger companies will have access to more sophisticated software solutions

3 Community Management Tasks

1. Listening to your community

Your community is the people that are interested in your product or service. They interact with and support each other through a central channel (like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.).

Your goal as a community manager is to understand what your community wants. That’s why you have to listen to them. But how do you do that?

The best way to understand what your community wants is by researching them. By listening to them and finding out what they are talking about. You also have to find out what they like and what they don’t like about your product.

These two pieces of information will help you focus on the right things.

2. Organize online discussions

Now that you know what your customers want, you can organize online discussions where they can share their opinions and ideas.

You can organize these discussions on Facebook groups or closed Slack channels.

But I would advise you to avoid Reddit and social media for this kind of work. All there, the discussion will be focused on your product or service. Which is exactly the opposite of what we want in this case.

3. Create FAQs

We live in an attention economy. Your potential customers are constantly bombarded with messages everywhere they look online.

That’s why you must give them a reason to look at your company and not someone else’s company instead.

By using FAQs you can provide your potential customers with the information they are looking for. That way they will be more likely to trust you and become a customer of your company.

How Community Management Works With Other Marketing Tasks

As I already said, community management is an important part of your marketing strategy. It helps you connect with your audience. But it also allows you to do other marketing tasks more effectively.

Here’s a quick overview of how community management works with other marketing tasks:

Back in the day, salespeople were the ones responsible for making business development deals happen. They were the ones that talked to new potential clients and made them buy the product or service of their company.

Today things have changed a bit. Nowadays, salespeople are no longer responsible for making deals happen. Instead, they focus on closing deals that have already been created by other people.

So salespeople are indirectly working with community managers. That’s why it helps to know what a good deal looks like before we start creating them.

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