VP Community Engagement Salary

One of the positions that have a competitive salary is the VP community engagement position. Although salary may vary in different factors.

So we will see what are these factors, and what are the average salary for each factor.

Factor In VP Community Engagement Salary

There are major factors that determine the salary of VP community engagement position:

Experience: Title level

Experience × Title Level = VP Community Engagement Salary

According to the survey, the salary of VP community engagement positions ranges from $64,000 to $94,500. The experience factor determines the salary between $64,000 to $80,000 for 0 to 5 years experience.

And the salary of VP community engagement positions ranges from $80,000 to $90,000 for 5 to 9 years of experience with 0-4 years experience. As a manager or executive in other industries. For 10 or more years of experience in the same industry, the salary ranges from $80,000 to $94,500.

So what if someone’s title is not “VP” but “Director”? The salary ranges from $78,000 to $93,750. Similarly, in the case of “Manager”, the title in a community engagement position ranges from $68,750 to $88,250.

And in the case of the “Executive” title in community engagement, the position ranges from $72,250 to $90,750. The same salary factor applies for “Senior Analyst” and “Analyst” positions as well.

Facility Type

Another factor that determines the salary is the facility type. That is the type of facility where someone works for. According to the survey, the salary of VP Community Engagement positions ranges from $64,000 to $90,000.

For facilities that are owned by private companies, the salary ranges from $80,000 to $93,750. While the salary for government facilities ranges from $78,000 to $90,000. And for not-for-profit facilities and academic institutions, the salary ranges from $68,750 to $88,250.


The industry is a factor of a salary range as well. According to the survey, the salary of VP Community positions ranges from $64,000 to $94,500.

The industry factor determines the salary between $80,000 and $90,000 for healthcare facilities and non-profit organizations.

While for public sector and education facilities and not-for-profit organizations the salary ranges from $72,250 to $90,750. Similarly, in the case of manufacturing companies and government agencies, and retail companies, the salary ranges from $68,750 to $88,250. And for technology companies and hospitality companies.

Also, for the financial service companies, the salary ranges from $64,000 to $93,750.


The location is also an important factor that determines the salary of VP community engagement positions according to the survey. The location factor may determine a range of different factors. Such as city-level or country-level or continent level or global level or even world level.

According to its survey data, more than 50% of respondents earn their VP community engagement position based in the United States (US).

The US is followed by Europe (18%), Canada (15%), Australia (11%), Asia/Pacific (9%), and Central America/South America (7%).

Among these regions, the US has the highest average salary at around USD 94,000 per ear which is almost equal to Europe. At USD 93,000 per year average salary.

While Asia Pacific has the lowest average salary at USD 50,000 per year which is almost equal to South America’s average salary at USD 49,000 per ear average salary.

So we can conclude that geographical factors play an important role in determining overall average salaries across all regions.

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